
Organization Reminders

Social benefiting Organizations are not only satisfied with increasing revenues, they are committed to bring benefits to the community. They do this by giving back, and by helping tackle social and environmental problems. They also tend to be highly profitable. Value based organizations, which walk their talk, are viewed as authentic. Make your values your branding, your stakeholders will describe and perceive you by your values and the belief you have created about your organization.

Cultures that support their staff to support each other, and help each other be accountable to one another, who feel heard and have a voice, attract others to join the organization and to stay loyal and committed.

Diversity in organization brings different perspectives and perceptions, increases innovation and effective problem solving.

Culture begins from the top and gets expressed in how people behave when the boss is not there.

Organizations that have lasted over time are flexible and change their focus, develop new products, and keep their values constant for the duration.

Organizations are living organisms; they grow in spurts, can shrink, adapt, learn, flourish, become ill, recover and/or die. Organizations reflect the Spirit and beliefs of those in charge. Organizations are built by people and for people. They impact all those people inside and outside the organization that they come in contact with. Organizations are about human relationships and their impact with one another and the environment. As you steward your organization into the future, what are your organization’s guiding principles, culture, and beliefs? What is your business identity? Who are your sounding boards that you rely on and reflect your thoughts, feelings about your organization, its state of being and its future? Let us be of service as a thinking partner, as your coach in your organizational journey.