

Coach Ana Maria Irueste-Montes

Do&Be, Action and Reflection for Sustainable Growth

Success is a spiral, which gathers the winds of change, passion, focus, ideas, work, persistence, results, and service.

Hurricanes pick up winds to gather momentum, bringing with them the rains from the Ocean to the land. As an individual / entrepreneur you have a mission and are driven by results. You too bring the rains into the land, which allows you and your business to flourish.

As you grow you gather momentum, speeding faster and faster, adding tasks and responsibilities, growing in size and in impact. You might feel you have no time to reflect. Yet it is precisely the reflection that allows you to think strategically, to assess where you are and to give direction to your organization. It does not matter whether you are a one person, a fifteen person, a hundred, or a thousand persons organization, WHO you are and what you DO matters. You are creating/ leading your life, the lives of others and / or tending a living organism, your business.

About us

Every hurricane has a center, the eye of the storm. It is this quiet place in the middle of the storm that brings the up swells in the Ocean. The eye creates the undersea current, which brings the nutrients from the bottom of the Ocean to the top, feeding the fish and enriching the Ocean.

Internal and external forces, just like a hurricane drive you, and like a hurricane you need action and stillness, a center from which you will bring the up swells that enrich you, and feed you as a person, a leader, and an organization. As a competent leader you want to maximize you ability to Do and Be.

Become masterful at combining both and making a positive difference in the world. Coaching can help you increase the clarity in your motives, values and personal traits, and your vision, which guide your decisions and actions. It can also enhance your understanding of your own perspectives, and that of others; as well as understand what drives you and others, what you and others value as they impact your effectiveness and growth, that of others, and of your business. A coaching partnership can help you stay focused on your purpose as you impact and make a difference in your world, and the world.

Invest in you, invest in others, invest in your business, partner with us. As a coach I am here to be of service. Call us and begin the conversation today.